Thursday, January 3, 2013

Things I Will Do in 2013


1.       I will read 20 books (I WILL read 20 books)

In 2012, I read a total of 15 books. However, 5 of them were books my children had to read for school. Some of my favorites from 2012 were Cutting for Stone, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close.

2.       I will get more sleep
I believe this was accomplished but will continue to get even more in 2013!

3.       I will exercise at least 4 times a week and work up to running at least 30 miles a week this year. My goal is to run 1200 miles, an increase of 450 miles over the 2012 total!!


4.       I will lose keep off the 15 pounds I lost!!!

5. I will find ways to spend more time with my husband- This is an ongoing need and wish. Balancing children, work and family is a lot harder than it seems.

6.     I will enjoy my children more- this was also almost impossible with the schedule we kept. We all ran in so many directions that finding the time for the little things (girl time, movies, shopping together, lunch dates etc.) didn't happen often enough.

7.     I will CONTINUE to write more letters, on stationery! This was actually fun and I do think people enjoy getting handwritten notes.

8.     I will engage a more grateful existence- I did somewhat better at this but there is a lot of room for improvement. I am constantly aware of the blessings I have been given but I would like to have more opportunities to help those in need as a way to show my gratitude to God.

9.    I will see more than one THREE movies- I saw some great movies this year including War Horse, Skyfall, Les Miserables amongst several others. Movies transport you to places that tap into your imagination and intellect. Go see some movies this year!!

10. And perhaps the most important of all, I will spend more time in prayer with GOD...

I really want to increase this more and more. One can NEVER pray enough.


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